Restore Volume & Smooth wrinkles.

Dermal Filler Treatments

LIP FILLER ($550 / Syringe) or ($315 / Half Syringe).

Filler is used to reshape the lips, create a fuller pout, or treat signs of aging that are associated with volume loss and wrinkles in that area.

CHEEK FILLER ($578 / Syringe)

Filler is used to hydrate and restore volume loss to the mid-face as well as contour and define the cheekbone area.

CHIN FILLER ($578 / Syringe)

Filler is used to reshape the chin, add projection for a better-balanced side profile as well as hide double-chin fullness.

JAWLINE FILLER ($578 / Syringe)

Filler is used to define the angle of the jawline, blend jowls, and support hanging skin to create a stronger, longer jawline.

HAND FILLER ($578 / Syringe)

Filler is used to diminish the signs of aging by restoring volume loss in the hands and improving the appearance of tendons and veins.

EAR FILLER ($578 / Syringe)

Filler is used to fill in creases on the earlobes from sleep lines or aging due to loss of collagen.

UNDER-EYE FILLER ($630 / Syringe)

Filler is used to fill under eye hollows and create a smoother transition between the tear trough and cheek area.

SMILE LINES FILLER ($578 / Syringe)

Filler is used to smooth the lines that extend from the sides of the nose down to the corners of the mouth as well as the shadows that extend from the corners of the mouth down to the sides of the chin.

NECK LINES FILLER ($578 / Syringe)

Filler is used to fill in deep horizontal necklines to provide a smoother and more youthful-looking neck.

TEMPLE FILLER ($578 / Syringe)

Filler is used to treat temporal hollows caused by aging. Filler can also lift the brows and create a smooth transition from the forehead to the cheekbone area.


Hyaluronidase is an enzyme that dissolves filler made out of hyaluronic acid. It reverses migrated filler, lumps, or undesired outcomes.

DISCLAIMER: The prices are subject to HST and are subject to annual increases of 5%. Individual results may vary and no guarantee can be made. We will discuss your treatment(s), expected results, possible risks, costs, and alternative options with you during your visit.

About Dermal Filler.

Dermal fillers are gel-like substances made out of hyaluronic acid, a natural substance found in the body. Once injected under the skin we can internally hydrate your skin to add volume, create a more plump appearance, and add dimension to your facial contours. On the contrary to Botox, dermal fillers are injected under the skin instead of the muscle. Both men and women suffer from volume loss due to aging and can benefit from filler treatments to achieve a natural, and refreshed appearance.


• Lips • Cheeks • Chin • Jawline • Hands • Earlobes • Under eyes • Smile lines (lines around the mouth) • Marionette lines (lines around the mouth and chin) • Neck lines • Temples.


As a non-invasive cosmetic treatment, fillers require very minimal downtime. Most activities can be resumed right away; however, it's best to avoid strenuous physical activity for the first 24-48 hours to avoid swelling and bruising.


The results are instant! and can last from 6 to 12 months, depending on each patient and the filler injected. In areas like the jawline, under-eye, or nose, fillers can last anywhere from 9 to 12 months. Fillers injected in areas like the lips generally have a shorter duration, as there is more movement in the area. As a result, lip fillers typically last 6 to 9 months.


Even non-surgical procedures like dermal fillers have their side effects. The most common ones include slight bruising, redness of the skin, small amounts of pain, and swelling in the area injected.


We recommend our patients book touch-up appointments every 4-6 months to extend their filler treatment and long-lasting results.

Dermal Filler at Diosa.

  • Before starting your filler treatment, our cosmetic nurse injector will meet with you for a free consultation to learn more about your goals and address any questions you may have about the treatment process. The filler treatment can be administered same-day right after your consultation if you decide to proceed with it.

  • On the day of your filler treatment, you’ll have the opportunity to address any outstanding questions you may have, and your nurse injector will thoroughly discuss how the treatment will go step by step and talk to you about post-treatment care needs.

  • Your nurse injector will offer detailed guidance on post-treatment care, offering detailed directions and expectations for the healing process.

  • As part of our customer-focused approach, our cosmetic nurse injector will follow up to check up on your results, address any questions you have for ongoing care and help schedule a follow-up / touch-up appointment if needed.

Let’s talk about your Filler Treatment goals.